Saturday, 19 September 2015

No Pies for Papa 18th - 22nd September 2015 Day 2

Day 2, and it was an early rise and cab to the airport to collect our trusty steed for the trip. Naturally it was a Skoda, what else in this region?
Once we settled in the car, and the sat-nav found itself, we headed off for a quick circuit of BTS. Although we didn't see the stored Mi-8s this time as we had a busy schedule and had to get going.

Bratislava 19-9-15
5N-SAT Fokker F-100 11293 IRS Airlines
OE-IIB Fokker F-100 11403 International Jet Management
OE-IID Fokker F-100 11368 International Jet Management
OM-SKT Diamond DA 42 Twin Star 42.335
TR-LGQ Fokker F-100 11424 Air Affaires Gabon

Next up the first tin field of the trip, and ironically the first thing we saw was a British Cessna! The place was all locked up, but several hangars had easy to see through mesh doors. We looked around for someone but it was deserted. Until an old lady appeared and waved us back. Unfortunately she didn't speak English and our Slovak was non-existant, but we got the gist and moved on though she did let us snap those outside.

Kralova 19-9-15
G-CILH Cessna TR.182 Turbo Skylane RG II R182-01030
G-CILH Cessna 182 Kralova 19-09-15
OM-ADO Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic DY168/2007
OM-DUC Aeropro Eurofox 12802
OM-DYCH Aeropro Eurofox 15003
OM-EGA Reims-Cessna F.172 M 1013
OM-EGA Cessna 172 Kralov 19-09-15
OM-JUF Fascination?

The next stop was Velke, for a MiG-15 (3914), but this had moved on recently. Still we'd catch up with it at Nitra.

Zobor was next on the list, and our first MiG of the trip. This was preserved within a military compound, so it was a quick read off and move on.

Zobor 19-9-15
0807 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PF 760807 Czech Air Force

Nitra was a nice little surprise for us, we knew about the preserved aircraft. However the compound full of Cmelak's was a surprise for sure.

Nitra-Janokvce 19-9-15
404 Mikoyan-Gurevich Lim-6 R 1J-04-04 Polish Air Force
404 Lim-6 Nitra 19-09-15
1048 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 PM 651048 Czech Air Force
1112 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 MA 961112 Slovak Air Force
1112 MiG-21 Nitra 19-09-15
(4011) Mil Mi-24D M344011 Czech Air Force - wearing false marks 28112811 Mil Mi-24 Nitra 19-09-15
3228 Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin 993228 Slovak Air Force
3312 Sukhoi Su-22 M-4K 33812 Slovak Air Force
3652 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bis 613652 Czech Air Force
(3914) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bis 623914 (ex Velke) - AeroSlovakia compound
3914 MiG-15 Nitra 19-09-15
5021 Sukhoi Su-7 BM 5021 Czech Air Force
5021 SU-7 Nitra 19-09-15
B-2406 Mil Mi-2 539006124 Police - Slovak Republic
HA-BNF Zlin XZ.37 T P.002 Agroair
HA-BNG Zlin Z.37 T Agro Turbo 023
(HA-MCL) Kamov Ka-26 7404420 Aeroflot - marked CCCP-19425
CCCP-19425 Kamov KA-26 Nitra 19-09-15
HA-MFZ Zlin Z.137 T Agro Turbo 031
OK-3418 Orlican VT-16 Orlik I 150709
OM-0206 LET L-23 Super Blanik 907606
OM-0505/D5 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150021
OM-1508 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150035
OM-1713 LET L-13 A Blanik 817403
OM-2512 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150058
OM-2707 LET L-13 A Blanik 827406
OM-3300 Rolladen-Schneider LS-6 C 6225
OM-3416 Orlican VT-16 Orlik I 150707
OM-4503 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150091
OM-5343 Zlin Z.425 Sohaj 3 0314
OM-5619 Zlin Z.23 Honza Replica 01
OM-5619 Zlin Z.23 Nitra 19-09-15
OM-6501 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150137
OM-8506 Orlican VSO-10 Gradient 150192
OM-9115 Aerotechnik L-13 SE Vivat 890324
OM-9203 LET L-23 Super Blanik 897504
OM-9205 LET L-23 Super Blanik 897516
OM-DJU LET Z-37 Cmelak 18-05 Aero Slovakia
OM-FAN Aeropro Eurofox 3K Tow 33111
OM-FAN Eurofox Nitra 19-09-15
OM-H064 Aeros Microlight Stranger Carbone Unknown
OM-HJX LET Z-37 A Cmelak 23-25 Aero Slovakia
OM-KJT LET Z-37 A Cmelak 24-16 Aero Slovakia
OM-LAN Aeropro Eurofox 19506
OM-LAN Eurofox Nitra 19-09-15
OM-LKL Orlican L-60 S Brigadyr 150803
OM-LLO Zlin Z.226 MS Trener 6 130
OM-MGO Zlin Z.226 MS Trener 6 186
OM-NHS Aero 145 14-022
OM-NRP Zlin Z.137 T Agro Turbo 048 Aero Slovakia
OM-OJP LET Z-37 A Cmelak 25-23 Aero Slovakia
OM-OJP LET Z-37 Cmelak Nitra 19-09-15
OM-OJQ LET Z-37 A Cmelak 25-24 Aero Slovakia
OM-PIP Piper PA-28 R-201 Arrow III 28R-7737048
OM-PIS Mil Mi-2 529312065
OM-PNO Zlin Z.142 0400
OM-PNO Zlin Z.142 Nitra 19-09-15
OM-PNQ Zlin Z.142 0408
OM-S279 Roko Aero NG-4
OM-S279 Roko NG-4 Nitra 19-09-15
OM-TOP Zlin Z.137 T Agro Turbo 053 Aero Slovakia
OM-VIG Zlin Z.137 T Agro Turbo 038 Aero Slovakia
OM-XON Zlin Z.43 0109
OM-YJG LET Z-37 -2 Cmelak 08-07 Aero Slovakia

Next stop was Boleraz, hangar access was granted by the friendly people here.

Boleraz 19-9-15
D-ENTA Cessna 172 S 172S-10157
OE-5205 Schempp-Hirth HS.4 Standard Cirrus 393
OK-2417 Orlican VT-16 Orlik I 150309
OK-3432 Orlican VT-16 Orlik I 150905
OK-7418 Orlican VT-116 Orlik II ZK 151718
OK-7418  Orlican VT-116 Orlik II Boleraz 19-09-15
OK-7419 Orlican VT-116 Orlik II ZK 151719
OK-8420 Orlican VT-116 Orlik II ZK 151920
OK-8420 Orlican VT-116 Orlik II Boleraz 19-09-15
OK-RFK LET L-200 D Morava 171109
OK-TOY Reims-Cessna F.172 P 2241
OK-TUA 70 Phoenix Air U15 27/U15 (cn checked)
OK-WNL Zlin Z.142 C 0525
OK-WNL Zlin Z.142 Boleraz 19-09-15
OM-0102 Aerotechnik L-13 SE Vivat 900329
OM-0212 LET L-23 Super Blanik 907615
OM-0411 Grob G.103 Twin Astir II 3577
OM-0972 Letov LF-107 Lunak 28
OM-1515 Schleicher ASW-15 15147
OM-2705 LET L-13 Blanik 025330
OM-2802 LET L-13 Blanik 172030
OM-7181 Schleicher ASW-15 B 15370
OM-7301 Schempp-Hirth Janus 53
OM-7505 Orlican VSO-10 B Gradient 150171
OM-8822 LET L-13 Blanik 173818
OM-9116 Aerotechnik L-13 SE Vivat 890325
OM-9610 Orlican VSO-10 B Gradient 150214
OM-AFA Orlican L-40 Meta-Sokol 150605
OM-AGT Cessna 172 S 172S-9836
OM-CRN Zlin Z.526 F Trener Master 1179
OM-CRN Zlin Z.526 Boleraz 19-09-15
OM-DOR Zlin Z.43 0015
OM-EOV Zlin Z.43 0047
OM-ERS Zlin Z.526 AFS Akrobat 1306
OM-ESX Cessna 150 M 150-76281
OM-KNT Zlin Z.226 MS Trener 6 104
OM-KRN Cessna T303 Crusader T303-00148 VIP Air Ltd
OM-LLV Zlin Z.226 MS Trener 6 138
OM-LNT Zlin Z.142 0260
OM-M110 Letov LK-2 Sluka 829309X02
OM-M110 Type? Boleraz 19-09-15
OM-M250 Flying Machines FM.250 Vampire Unknown
OM-M250 FM.250 Vampire Boleraz 19-09-15
OM-M444 Fly Synthesis Storch Unknown
OM-M804 TeST TST-3 Alpin T 03010198
OM-M804 TST-3 Alpin Boleraz 19-09-15
OM-MMK Orlican L-40 Meta-Sokol 150606
OM-NNQ Zlin Z.142 0334
OM-NNR Zlin Z.142 0336
OM-TOW Aeropro Eurofox 3K Tow 25208

Moving on was to be one of the main reasons for this trip, Piestany museum. Unfortunately as we'd already found out a few weeks earlier is was closed until the end of September. But we had some hopes of seeing some of the aircraft.

We managed to read a few, but decided on not wasting too much time as there was still lots to do. Piestany will be revisited sooner rather than later for sure!

One or two flyers were also around, and the small aero club hangar was open.

Piestany 19-9-15
0404 LET L-410 MA 750404 Czech Air Force - Museum
0823 Yakovlev Yak-40 S1 9230823 Czech Air Force - Museum
1203 LET L-410 FG 841203 Czech Air Force - Museum
1924 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 R 94R1924 Czech Air Force - Museum
3311 Sukhoi Su-22 M-4K 33811 Slovak Air Force - Museum
6802 Sukhoi Su-22 UM-3K N17532368202 Slovak Air Force - Museum
4O-IOO Piper PA-42 720 Cheyenne IIIA 42-5501029 Corporate
OM-8117 Aerotechnik L-13 SW Vivat 880303
OM-9702 LET L-13 Blanik 173913
OM-AVA Mil Mi-8 MTV-1 95901 UTair Europe
OM-KLV Diamond DA 40D Star TDI D4.087 Seagle Air
OM-NNT Zlin Z.142 0348

Time to leave Slovakia for a few days and enter the Czech Republic.

So, a new country and where better to start than with a MiG? This one in a park and looking very nice!

Horni-Nemci 19-9-15
0312 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 S 150312 Czech Air Force
0312 MiG-19 Horni Nemci 19-9-15

Kunovice was next and along with the Evektor production facility was the Slovacke Letecke Muzeum. A good selection of Let's and a few other nice aircraft.

Kunovice 19-9-15
0005 LET L-610 M 910005 Czech Air Force - marked 118
0113 Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin 290113 Czech Air Force
0309 LET L-610 GE 9_0309 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
0510 Sukhoi Su-7 UB 0510 Czech Air Force
0510 SU-7 Kunovice 19-9-15
0514 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 F-13 660514 Czech Air Force
0514 MiG-21 Kunovice 19-9-15
1040 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 PM 651040 Czech Air Force
1103 Avia Av-14 FG 601103 Czech Air Force
1874 Mil Mi-4 A 1874 Czech Air Force
1874 Mi-4 Kunovice 19-9-15
2613 Aero Vodochody L-29 R Delfin 792613 Czech Air Force
3005 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bisSB 713005 Czech Air Force
3157 Avia Av-14 T 180013157 Czech Air Force
3157 Avia Av-14 Kunovice 19-09-15
5530 Sukhoi Su-7 BM 5530 Czech Air Force
OE-ASA Evektor SportStar RTC 2015-1729
OK-022 LET L-410 M 750401 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-130 LET L-610 M 880001 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-2709 LET L-13 A Blanik 827409
OK-7120 Aerotechnik L-13 SW Vivat 870214
OK-9822 LET L-13 Blanik 170107
OK-ADO LET L-410 A 710005 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-ADP LET L-410 A 710101 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-ADP Let L-410 Kunovice 19-09-15
OK-AUR 17 Aerotechnik EV-95 Fox EV95 07
OK-DOG Zlin Z.43 0032
OK-DZA LET L-410 MA 730207 Slovacky Aeroklub
OK-EVK Evektor SportStar RTC 2009-1118
OK-FHA Aero 45 51163 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-FHA Aero 45 Kunovice 19-09-15
OK-GKA Cessna 172 M 172-66459
OK-IFD Zlin Z.126 Trener 739 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-MPW Zlin Z.226 B Bohatyr 269 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-MQG Zlin Z.226 B Bohatyr 278
OK-NOL Zlin Z.142 0340
OK-PLV LET L-200 D Morava 170815 Bemoair
OK-PLV L-200 Morava Kunovice 19-09-15
OK-RFS LET L-200 D Morava 171116 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-SZA Aero Vodochody L-29 A Delfin 390517 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-SZA L-29 Kunovice 19-09-15
OK-VLA Evektor EV-97 Harmony 990001
OK-YKE LET XL-410 001 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-YKE Let L-410 Kunovice 19-09-15
OK-ZKA LET XL-410 004 Slovacke Letecke Muzeum
OK-ZKA Let L-410 Kunovice 19-09-15
PK-35 Yakovlev Yak-C-11 171721 Czech Air Force
SP-AZI Evektor SportStar RTC 2015-1721
.....(268) Evektor
.....(269) Evektor
...../H8022 Glider

Vyskov soon became the highlight of the trip for some, especially Darren as he is an IL-28 fan! Better than Brighton I suppose! Impressive lines of MiG's, Sukhoi's and Mil Mi's soon put the disappointment of Piestany behind us.

Vyskov 19-9-15
0303 Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin 290303 Czech Air Force
0303 L-29 Vyskov 19-09-15
0412 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 S 150412 Czech Air Force
412 PZL-Mielec TS-11 100bis[A] Iskra 1H04-12 Polish Air Force
(04)23 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 S 150423 Czech Air Force
(04)23 MIG-19 Vyskov 19-9-15
0599 Mil Mi-4 0599 Czech Air Force
(0720) Aero Vodochody L-39 V Albatros 630720 Czech Air Force
0735 Aero Vodochody L-39 V Albatros 630735 Czech Air Force
0817 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 U-400 660817 Czech Air Force
0817 MIG-21 Vyskov 19-9-15
0818 Mil Mi-8 T 10818 Czech Air Force
0818 Mil Mi-8 Vyskov 19-9-15
1015 Sukhoi Su-7 UM 1015 Czech Air Force
1015 SU-7 Vyskov 19-09-15
1016 Sukhoi Su-7 UM 1016 Czech Air Force
1102 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 PM 651102 Czech Air Force
1106 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 F-13 261106 Czech Air Force
1106 MiG-21 Vyskov 19-09-15
1111 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 F-13 261111 Czech Air Force
1212 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PF 761212 Czech Air Force
1212 MiG-21 Vyskov 19-09-15
1313 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PF 761313 Czech Air Force
2101 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 R 94R2101 Czech Air Force
2101 MIG-21 Vyskov 19-9-15
2404 Ilyushin IL-28 RT 52404 Czech Air Force
2703 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 MA 962703 Czech Air Force
2703 MIG-21 Vyskov 19-9-15
2848 Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin 892848 Czech Air Force
3133 Avia Av-14 R 156913133 Czech Air Force
3133 Avia-14 Vyskov 19-09-15
3144 Avia Av-14 T 167913144 Czech Air Force
3304 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 ML 0390323304 Czech Air Force
3304 MIG-23 Vyskov 19-9-15
3645 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 MF 0390213645 Czech Air Force
3912 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bisSB 623912 Czech Air Force
4005 Mil Mi-1 M 404005 Czech Air Force
4005 Mi-1 Vyskov 19-09-15
4101 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 MF 96004101 Czech Air Force
4139 Mil Mi-4 04139 Czech Air Force
(5521) Sukhoi Su-7 BM 5521 Czech Air Force - marked 21 Red
5521 SU-7 Vyskov 19-9-15
5734 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 BN 0393215734 Czech Air Force
6017 Mil Mi-1 U 506017 Czech Air Force
6427 Sukhoi Su-7 BKL 6427 Czech Air Force
6427 SU-7 Vyskov 19-9-15
6511 Sukhoi Su-7 BKL 6511 Czech Air Force
7183 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 MF 0390217183 Czech Air Force
7183 MIG-23 Vyskov 19-9-15
8001 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PFM 94N8001 Czech Air Force
8749 Mil Mi-2 518749074 Czech Air Force
8749 Mil Mi-2 Vyskov 19-09-15
8941 Mil Mi-2 568941124 Czech Air Force
9013 Sukhoi Su-25 K 25508109013 Czech Air Force
9013 SU-25 Vyskov 19-9-15
9820 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 BN 0393209820 Czech Air Force
B-2745 Mil Mi-2 5310345097 Czech Police
B-2745 Mi-2 Vyskov 19-09-15
OK-FXE Mil Mi-8 T 10546 Nadace Letecke Historicke Spolecnosti - marked 93+17
OK-ZZU 7 Microlight
..... LET L-39 Cockpit marked 39-21
A couple of the unknown Avia B33 cockpits are still here.

Adjoining the museum is the GA drome where hangar access was again happily granted.

OK-1066 DG Flugzeugbau DG-1000 S 10-6
OK-1419 Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 2 54
OK-2620 Glaser-Dirks DG-100 G Elan E142/G110
OK-2961 Glaser-Dirks DG-500 T Elan Trainer 5E-91
OK-3600 Aerotechnik L-13 SE Vivat 830001
OK-3825 LET L-13 Blanik 172903
OK-9502 Orlican VSO-10 C Gradient 150007
OK-A205 TeST TST-8 Alpin DM 08011401
OK-AUD 09 Rans S.6 Coyote II Unknown
OK-BUI 06 TeST TST-6 Duo 01011196
OK-CUR 02 Aerotechnik P.220 ULR Koala 970007
OK-DUD 11 Fantasy Air Allegro Unknown
OK-FUD 04 Let Mont TUL-01 Tulak Unknown
OK-HUA 30 TL Ultralight TL-232 Condor Unknown
OK-JAG Cessna 172 N 172-68881
OK-JUR 20 Evektor SportStar 2004-2013
OK-MPG Zlin Z.226 MS Trener 6 252
OK-RUD 05 Zenair CH601
OK-SAP Reims-Cessna F.177 RG Cardinal RG 0123
OK-TEI Cessna P.210 N Pressurized Centurion P210-00707
OK-VYR Reims-Cessna F.152 1893
OK-WJT LET Z-37 Cmelak 03-14 Nadace Letecke Historicke Spolecnosti
OK-YUH 01 Toresi Straton D7 Mini Unknown
OK-YUU 52 Letov LK-2 Sluka 8192090111
OK-ZUD 09 Let Mont Piper Twin UL Unknown

Five minutes down the road is a Tech school. A lack of research here possibly cost us two more
Mi-8's. One is located outside an office complex, the other hanging from a tower crane! Two for next time we pass!

Vyskov Town 19-9-15
0103 Aero Vodochody L-39 C Albatros 230103 Czech Air Force
0106 Aero Vodochody L-39 C Albatros 230106 Czech Air Force

Heading into Brno we saw at least five balloons going up, we only managed to get close enough to one of them to read it.

Brno o/f 19-9-15
OK-8809 Kubicek Balloon BB-60Z 666

Slatina was very quiet, with most of the based stuff being hidden within the old military HAS sites.

Brno-Slatina 19-9-15
HA-YHG WSK-PZL An-2 P 1G234-08 Blue Sky Service
I-ECPM Piper PA-46 500TP Malibu Meridian 4697108 Elicompany
I-TOPD Beech 400A Beechjet RK-163 Sirio
OK-AJA Cessna 510 Citation Mustang 510-0272 Time Air
OK-EOB Cessna P.210 N Pressurized Centurion P210-00211
OK-GEO Cessna 402B 402B-0921 Geodis Brno
OK-KAB Cessna
OK-NIK Eurocopter EC135 0805 Alfa Helicopters
OK-NIK EC135 Brno Slatina 19-9-15
YL-LCA Airbus A320 211 0333 Travel Service

With light fading we headed of for the last stop of the day, just ten minutes up the road are a MiG-21 and an L-29. In a sorry state to say the least!

Brno-Lisen 19-9-15
0520 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 F-13 660520 Czech Air Force
0520 MiG-21 Brno Lisen 19-9-15
2821 Aero Vodochody L-29 R Delfin 892821 Czech Air Force

After a long day, the hotel beckoned, as did the thoughts of a cold beer. After checking in we headed off to find some food and beer. We came across the Zelena Kocka (Green Cat) resturant/bar.

An English speaking guy at the bar named Libor, helped us with the ordering and recommended the ribs! Darren will testify to their quality I'm sure, me and JC went for a steak. The food was excellent and I would highly recommend this place if you find yourself in Brno.

The details for the restaurant are below. A fine meal and a good five or six beers later, plus a few whiskies courtesy of Libor. We called it a night. The bill for all this fine food and beer for the three of us was around 1500 Koruna, so around £36!

Zelena Kocka
Kounicova 83, Brno
tel. 775 566 570

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